Brand Refresh

Here at Lawson House, we've recognized that sometimes your brand just needs a little lift, not a complete makeover. Our Brand Refresh is a fantastic choice for those seeking a streamlined and cost-effective way to modernize their brand. We understand that small adjustments can lead to significant impacts. So, whether it's exploring new color palettes, experimenting with fresh typefaces, or considering a contemporary icon, we've got you covered.

Lawson House Agency Business Card Example


Mini Discovery/ Mood Board

Two options for changing one element of the logo

Two options of new color palettes

Two options of new type face combinations

Two Rounds of revisions

One-Page Brand Sheet

Featured Case Study

Jennifer Diaz Coaching + Consulting Brand Refresh




Get In Touch

Our Refresh is all about giving your brand a modern twist while preserving the elements you love, ensuring your brand looks and feels up-to-date without losing its unique charm. Embrace change, modernize your brand, and keep your audience captivated with a fresh, yet familiar, look. Talk with an expert to see how we can refresh your look.

Lawson House Agency Business Card Example